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Style In Written English


1.        QUESTION
     Question tag adalah pertanyaan pendek yang ditambahkan di akhir pernyataan (declarative sentence) untuk menanyakan informasi atau meminta persetujuan.

Contoh Question Tag :
1)      They will attend the seminar, won’t they?
(Mereka akan menghadiri seminar kan?).
2)      They can't write a letter, can they?
      (Mereka tidak dapat menulis sebuah surat, bukan?).
3)      Your sister doesn't like doll, does she? No, she doesn't.
            (Kakak perempuanmu tidak suka boneka, bukan? Tidak).

2.        SAY OR TELL
     Say dan Tell mempunyai arti yang sedikit berbeda, yaitu “berkata” dan “mengatakan”. Dalam tata bahasa (Grammar) Bahasa Inggris, terutama dalam topik Reported Speech, keduanya mempunyai pola yang berbeda.

Contoh Say and Tell :
1           1)   -    Will you come with us tomorrow?
                  (Maukah kau ikut dengan kami besok?).
-          He asked me if I would go with them the following day.
(Dia bertanya apakah saya akan pergi bersama mereka pada hari berikutnya).
2           2)   -      I didn’t do it! (Aku tidak melakukannya!)
-          He said that he hadn’t done it. (Dia mengatakan bahwa dia tidak melakukannya).
3           3)  -      I’ll bring the book back tomorrow.
                   (Aku akan membawa buku itu kembali besok).
-          She said that she would bring the book back the following day.
 (Dia mengatakan bahwa dia akan membawa buku itu kembali keesokan harinya).

      Pronoun adalah kata yang digunakan untuk menggantikan nounnoun phrase,noun clausepronoun lainmaupun konstruksi lain yang berakting sebagainoun. Di dalam suatu kalimat, kata ini dapat mengarah pada noun yang sudah disebutkan sebelumnya. Sedangkanantecedent adalah kata, phrase, atauclause yang dirujuk atau digantikan olehpronoun. Di dalam suatu kalimat, biasanyaantecedent berada sebelum pronoun

    Contoh Antecendenes Of Pronoun :
1)      To get rich, the man gave his money away to charity.
(Untuk menjadi kaya, pria tersebut mendonasikan uangnya untuk amal).
2)      You should submit the report to your teacher immediately.
(Kamu harus menyerahkan laporan tersebut kepada gurumu secepatnya).
3)      Luna and Iin have decided to do over their task.
(Luna dan Iin telah memutuskan untuk mengerjakan kembali tugas mereka).

     Adjective adalah kata sifat dan fungsinya untuk menjelaskan kata benda. Participial adjective adalah adjective (kata sifat) yang berbentuk V+ing (Present Participle) danV+ed (Past Participle).

   Contoh Participles As Adjectives :
1)      So much work was (overwhelming). The staff are (overwhelmed).
(Begitu banyak pekerjaan yang (berlebihan). Staf (kewalahan)).
2)      I was so (entertained) by the movie. The movie was very(entertaining).
(Aku begitu (dihibur) oleh film.Film ini sangat (menghibur)).
3)      The direction to the hotel was (confusing). The driver was (confused).
(Arah ke hotel ini (membingungkan). Sopir itu (bingung)).

     Correlative Conjunction adalah sebuah kata hubung yang biasanya digunakan berpasang untuk dapat menyatakan hubungan sejajar dan selaras antara dua kata atau klausa seperti sebagai subject, object dan klausa lainnya. Sifat hubungan keduanya biasanya secara gramatikal bersifat paralel ( berkedudukan sejajar ) itulah kenapa biasanya materi ini juga disebut Parallel Construction.

Contoh Paralel Contruction :
1)      You should study hard otherwise you will be left behind.
(Anda harus belajar keras jika tidak, anda akan tertinggal).
2)      I will go unless it rains.
(Aku akan pergi kecuali hujan).
3)      I like either singing songs or playing music.

(Aku suka lagu baik bernyanyi atau bermain musik).

M Rendy Alviandra


Simple Present
S + V (S/es) + O
S + to be + V3 + BY + O
(she, he, it = is)
(I = am)
(they, we, you = are)
Simple Past
S + V2 + O
S + to be + V3 + BY + O
(she, he, it, I = was)
(they, we, you = were)
Simple Future
S + will + v1 + O
S + will + be + v3 + by + o
Present Continous
S + tobe + ving + o
S + to be + being + v3 + by + o
Past Continous
S + tobe (was / were) + ving + o
S + to be (was / were) + being + v3 + by + o
Future Continous
S + will + be + ving + o
There are some tenses and conditions that don’t have pasive form present continous, past perfect continous, future continous, future perfect continous, and sentences that have intransitive verbs
Present Perfect
S + has / have + v3 + o
S + has / have + been + v3 + by + o
(she, he, it = has)
(they, we, I, you = have)
Past Perfect
S + had + v3 + o
S + had + been + v3 + by + o
Future perfect
S + will + have + v3 + o
S + will + have + been + v3 + by + o

Mengubah kalimat active ke kalimat passive

1.  Active = once a month, conte brings the team to the beach. 
Pasive = once a month, the team is brought to the beach by conte.

1.       2.  Active = Ali is writing a letter right now.
Pasive = the letter is being written by Ali now.

1.       3.  Active = Gio repaired the computer which is located in the living room
Pasive = the computer which is located in the living room was repaired by Gio.

1.       4.  Active = The salesman was helping the customer when the thief came into the store.
Pasive =  The Customer was being helped by the salesman when the thief came into the store.
1.       5. Active = Many basketball players have trained that kind of dribble style.
Pasive = that kind of dribble style have been trained by many basketball players.

1.       6.  Active = Otong and vicky had repaired many cars before they received their mechanic license.
Pasive = many cars had been repaired by otong and vicky before they received their mechanic,

1.       7.  Active = Chef ferara will finish the dish by 05.00 PM
Pasive = the dish will be finished by chef Ferara by 05.00 PM.

1.     8. Active = Burgerkill will be performing a song entitled “tiga titik hitam” on the stage at 08.00 PM.
Pasive = a song entitled will be performed by Burgerkill on the stage at 08.00 PM.

1.       9.  Active = They will have completed the project before the deadline.
Pasive = the project will have been completed by them before the deadline.

1.       10. Active = The lead guitarist of flashgod apocalypse smashed his guitar in their last concert.
Pasive = the guitar was smashed by the lead guitarist of flashgod apoccalypse in their last concert

M Rendy Alviandra
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