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all about the good spicy (chili)

Surely you know why the food can be spicy.
Yup that's all because of chili :)
Getting in good with the spicy, chili. Do you know why it spicy chili?
Capsaicin, the chemical that is contained in a spicy chili and fire effects. The nerves send signals to the brain and respond by increasing metabolism, the emergence of sweat and other reactions, such as runny nose, etc..
The body also releases gland
endorphins which is a drug natural pain relievers of the body.
What's the benefits from chili?
Benefits chili is to reduce the risk of stroke, blockage blood vessels, impotence and coronary heart disease. Contents in chili peppers, capsaicin, when consume routine will keep the blood remain thin crust and prevent the formation of fat in blood vessels.
And now, if you feel spicy, don't panic.. you can chew food that contains "casein"
such as milk powder, rice and white bread.
So now, you no need to be afraid to eat chili.
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