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Ejakulasi yang Mematikan

detikcom - Jakarta, Kasus kematian
mendadak saat menikmati orgasme seksual banyak terjadi. Beberapa pria diketahui langsung tewas setelah mengalami ejakulasi. Apa penyebabnya?

Kematian mendadak (sudden death) dipicu oleh banyak sebab, salah satunya adalah peningkatan tekanan darah yang tidak bisa ditoleransi jantung. Orgasme seksual bisa memacu denyut nadi yang membuat tekanan darah naik dan meningkatkan risiko serangan jantung.
Sejarah mencatat beberapa tokoh besar yang tewas ketika bercinta, misalnya raja terakhir Bangsa Hun di Eropa. Raja yang disegani oleh bangsa-bangsa lain pada masa itu
tewas pada abad ke-5 bukan karena berperang melainkan justru saat bercinta dengan permaisurinya.

Kematian mendadak saat menikmati orgasme seksual juga bisa disebabkan karena sesak napas. Kematian aktor laga David Carradine di Thailand pada tahun 2009 juga disebabkan oleh sesak napas karena tercekik ketika sedang menikmati masturbasi.
Diyakini David mengalami autoerotic asphyxiation, yakni penyimpangan seksual yang membuatnya hanya bisa
menikmati orgasme jika aliran darah ke otak dihambat. Caranya seperti yang ia lakukan di saat-saat terakhir, yakni melilitkan dasi di leher sehingga tidak bisa bernapas.

Lantas bagi yang tidak punya masalah jantung dan penyimpangan seks, apakah ejakulasi itu sendiri bisa menyebabkan kematian?
Pada manusia mungkin tidak, tapi beberapa spesies binatang menjadi lebih cepat mati jika terlalu sering mengalami ejakulasi.
Salah satunya adalah cacing, seperti yang dibuktikan oleh Dr Wyne Van Voorhies dari University of Arizona dalam penelitiannya pada tahun 1992.
Cacing jantan yang jarang ejakulasi bisa hidup hingga 14 hari. Sementara seperti dikutip dari zeenews, Senin (14/3/2011), cacing jantan yang sering ejakulasi untuk membuahi betina sehingga lebih sering memproduksi sperma hanya hidup rata-rata 8,1 hari, atau sekitar 50 persen lebih pendek usianya.
Diduga hal ini disebabkan oleh by product atau hasil sampingan dari
proses produksi sperma di dalam tubuh. Enzim-enzim serta hormon
yang terlibat membentuk senyawa toksik yang membuat umur cacing
jantan menjadi lebih pendek ketika sering ejakulasi.
Van Voorhies memang tidak menyimpulkan bahwa hal yang sama juga dialami oleh manusia, khususnya pria. Namun karena cacing memiliki kesamaan karakteristik genetik dan komposisi biokimia dengan mamalia termasuk manusia, ia menduga hal yang sama juga terjadi pada pria.

Hingga kini belum ada penelitian lebih lanjut untuk membuktikan dugaan Van Voorhies. Yang jelas cacing jantan bukan satu-satunya spesies yang cepat mati karena ejakulasi, sebab ikan salmon jantan juga mati setelah melakukan sekali pemijahan pada salmon betina.


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Masker Sperma Bisa Jadi Obat Jerawat?

detikcom - Jakarta, Kandungan gizi
yang tinggi dalam air mani dan
sperma membuat manfaatnya selalu menarik untuk diteliti, salah satunya untuk kecantikan seperti mengobati jerawat dan membuat wanita awet muda.
Benarkah demikian?

Hasil penelitian Johnson dan Everitt dalam bukunya Essential
Reproduction (2000) mengungkapkan bahwa air mani berisi kandungan gizi yang tinggi.
Dalam ejakulasi khas (kira-kira satu
sendok teh) air mani sudah
mengandung 150 mg protein, 11 mg karbohidrat, 6 mg lemak, 3 mg
kolesterol, 7 persen US AKG kalium, tembaga dan seng.
Selain itu, air mani juga mengandung gula, protein dan asam amino, mineral, vitamin, hormon, asam laktat, urea, asam urat dan nitrogen.
Tingginya kandungan gizi ini
membuat air mani dan sperma
banyak dimanfaatkan untuk
mengobati berbagai penyakit,
seperti diabetes dan depresi.
Penggunaan sperma juga pernah
diterapkan untuk mengobati jerawat, meski sebenarnya belum ada penelitian yang membuktikan
Metode masker sperma bahkan
diketahui telah digunakan sejak
zaman Mesir Kuno (5000 SM), seperti dilansir healthmedicals, Selasa (22/3/2011).
Secara teori, penggunakan masker
sperma dinilai cukup masuk akal
karena sperma mengandung
sejumlah nutrisi yang bermanfaat
untuk perawatan kulit. Seperti dilansir Netdoctor, air mani dan sperma banyak mengandung ascorbic acid (vitamin C) dan vitamin B12, yang dapat membantu seseorang tampak
lebih muda dan cantik.
Vitamin C mendorong pertumbuhan rantai protein dalam kolagen, yang merupakan bahan utama dalam semua jaringan berserat. Vitamin C
juga merupakan antioksidan yang
bisa mendetoksifikasi atau
menyingkirkan racun-racun dan
pengotor yang ada di permukaan
Kehadiran vitamin C dalam air mani adalah untuk memastikan bahwa sperma terlindungi dari radikal bebas dan meningkatkan jangka hidup sel sperma.
Selain itu, adanya kandungan
antioksidan juga menjamin bahwa
sperma bebas dari radikal bebas
penyebab kulit kusam dan cepat
keriput. Kandungan yang sama juga
bisa ditemukan dalam produk-produk perawatan jerawat dan anti penuaan dini yang dijual di pasaran.


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Si Tomat yang Bikin Sperma Gesit

detikcom - Portsmouth, Tidak
diragukan lagi, buah tomat sangat
kaya akan manfaat. Bagi pria-pria
yang memiliki masalah dengan
kesuburan, tidak ada salahnya melirik buah ini karena kandungan senyawa tertentu di dalamnya bisa membuat sperma makin berkualitas.
Khasiat tomat bagi kesuburan pria
bisa didapatkan dalam bentuk buah
segar, sup tomat maupun sambal
atau saus tomat. Makin merah warna tomatnya, makin besar manfaatnya dalam meningkatkan kualitas maupun jumlah sperma yang dihasilkan seorang pria.
Para peneliti dari University of
Portsmouth pernah meneliti
kandungan tomat dan telah
mempublikasikannya dalam British
Journal of Urology tahun 2008. Dalam penelitian tersebut, terungkap bahwa senyawa yang bisa menyuburkan sperma adalah likopen atau zat warna merah pada tomat.
Eksperimen terhadap 6 pria sehat
dengan usia rata-rata 40-an tahun
menunjukkan, konsumsi likopen
dalam bentuk semangkuk sup tomat setiap hari menunjukkan hasil memuaskan. Konsumsi rutin selama 2 pekan mampu meningkatkan kualitas sperma hingga 7-12 persen.
Meski tidak diketahui pasti apa fungsi likopen bagi sperma, namun diyakini efek tersebut berhubungan dengan sifatnya sebagai antioksidan.
Dalam sistem reproduksi pria, likopen diyakini bisa menangkal radikal bebas pemicu ketidaksuburan pada pria.
Kandungan likopen dalam buah
tomat beserta manfaatnya sebagai
antioksidan sudah banyak diketahui
sebelumnya, terutama dalam hal
pencegahan kanker. Namun bagi
sistem reproduksi pria, efeknya baru terungkap pertama kalinya dalam penelitian ini.
Selain dalam buah tomat, senyawa
likopen juga bisa ditemukan dalam
buah-buah lain yang memiliki warna merah. Dikutip dari Telegraph, Senin (2/4/2011), jenis buah yang banyak mengandung likopen antara lain semangka, jeruk bali, pepaya dan jambu biji.

Sumber detik.com
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Good Sentences For Friends

some attracted a good sentence between you and friends :)

"Friendship with oneself is all
Important Because without it one
can not be friends with anyone else in the world "
- Eleanor Roosevelt -

"Money Might make you Wealthy, but friends makes you rich"

"A true friend is someone WHO thinks That you are a good egg even though he knows That you are Slightly cracked "

"A true friend is someone who knows there's something wrong event Pls you have The Biggest smile on your face "

" A real friend is one WHO walks in. Pls the rest of the world
walks out "

Now, , pity the people around you dude :)
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Talkative Hazard

Talkative is a speech or acts that are not revealed control after the shocked reaction.

Talkative CAUSE
- One can say things - things
is prohibited without a sense of
guilty. This phenomenon is a kind of behavioral disorder

- The symptoms appear because the relevant talkative have anxiety about something without knowing.

- Talkative cause contaminated. Someone talkative suffering because conditioned by their environment.

Even an attempt talkative
looking for attention you know. This is what can be called "Latah GAUL".

Talkative HAZARD
Apparently it was very talkative
Because it can curb creativity. We are used to imitate other people, so sometimes difficult to
be yourself.
"Be a leader dont be a follower"

HEALING Talkative
The emergence talkative, because we often surprise those who are talkative.
To heal those who are talkative, the environment must support. Trying relaxation, routine concentration, and meditation.
Trying a fun activity and do not stress :)
how? Now you already know that it is very dangerous and talkative this not a TREND or GAUL!
Brain and creativity your friends will be very disturbed and is not good for the future :)
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How To Save Gas

Ok, do you know how to do
save gas?? Especially if you & your friend is college student..

The following tips :

1. Heat engine
Don't run a car or motorcycle if you don't heat up the vehicle first.. Just 30 seconds - 1 minute dude..

2. Servicing your vehicle regularly

3. Drivers who use a manual transmission, should retain high gear so they sped away.
To take advantage of gas as possible :)

4. Do not brake suddenly,, don't interfere for an optimal fuel savings.

5. Don't overload the car / motorcycle excessive, the weight of the car or motorcycle you spent more & more gasoline

6. Keep good speed 55 miles per hour

7. Don't dwell on the wheels that loud.. make sure the wheels of your car good condition

8. keep the spin machine. to walk, ideally (normal) 2000-3500 rpm

hopefully these tips helpful..
Tell to your friends about
these tips so you can save
Fuel and money dude :)
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Friend Is Magic ! ! !

This time we will discuss exciting articles FRIEND LIKE MAGIC

This time we will discuss the importance of "Friendship"

You know, "Friend like magic!"

God gave the figure FRIEND,
to accompany your day, sharing joys and sorrows, giving solution if we are problematic..
Anyway, Friend is everything :)
Ok, this is some picture of a friend
by Aubrey Hammack :

1. A friend always ready to listen without judge
(Listening is work difficult)

2. a friend who is always there when required both day and night
(Yup, really right! But we don't to disturb our friends own ya)

3. when we need help Financially, they have not only to lend, but can also provide solutions
(If indeed we are friends again
there are other purposes, we aren't may force the yes guys, enough with the solution was very helpful)

4. someone who can offer opposing viewpoints to the good
(Ever imagine, you debate a matter of perception or your principles each yup it's no problem guys, we need to know precisely which good and bad for us)

5. Friend won't leave you when you're trouble! !
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all about the good spicy (chili)

Surely you know why the food can be spicy.
Yup that's all because of chili :)
Getting in good with the spicy, chili. Do you know why it spicy chili?
Capsaicin, the chemical that is contained in a spicy chili and fire effects. The nerves send signals to the brain and respond by increasing metabolism, the emergence of sweat and other reactions, such as runny nose, etc..
The body also releases gland
endorphins which is a drug natural pain relievers of the body.
What's the benefits from chili?
Benefits chili is to reduce the risk of stroke, blockage blood vessels, impotence and coronary heart disease. Contents in chili peppers, capsaicin, when consume routine will keep the blood remain thin crust and prevent the formation of fat in blood vessels.
And now, if you feel spicy, don't panic.. you can chew food that contains "casein"
such as milk powder, rice and white bread.
So now, you no need to be afraid to eat chili.
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So far, we always discuss developments fashion in New York, Paris, etc.. But do not you curious about what I fashion trend in India?
Apparently young people in India, do not wear saris you know if another hangout with friends or his girlfriend :)
They also did not lose his fashionable with you...
curious like what "STYLE SUMMER 2011" in India? Read on the article below Fashion Trend 2011 in India, they prefer soft colors or bright, back to nature, and more natural!

4 elements "Indian Style Summer 2011",, namely :

In summer 2011, a trend lace materials in India. The material is thin and dreamy than make us ga 'sultry, it also features a sensual personality you know

In urban life, this trend is very attractive the girls.
Because it can add to the coolness and comfort of the wearer:)
The model is ga 'is too formal and very suitable for travel.

It leads to the natural guys.
Floral - flowers or stripes are highly preferred by young people in India.

Army, certainly inspired by her army guys :p & in fact in India will be a fashion trend in this 2011.
This gives the impression that
Indian women have equal power with the guy.
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5 Years In the future life as what you want?

Do you know of last Life 5 years determined by 3 things :

1. What book are you reading?
2. With whom you hang out?
3. Action what have you done?

Try to remember you now, 5 years ago is it you hang out with friends who like what? what book to read? comic? motivational book?
Or 5 years ago what already action do you?
Just Hanging hanging out, or have started studying business petty, selling stickers for example =) ..

This benchmark successful people are used worldwide to determine to what ya life like 5 years Forward?

If you feel that life is extraordinary now, Congratulations. . I'm sure you get along with the right friends, reading proper books and The most important action or doing a lot of positive activities.
And If you feel that this present life for granted, or why even added a sad.. Try this success began to follow these tips.

Begin to read and read positive books, hanging out with friends
yan positive, successful. Also a lot of action. Life surely you must have a brilliant next 5 years .=)
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Acne On Back Disgusting!

It turned out that acne only appears on the face...
Ever see acne on your back?
Backs we have oil glands as sensitive as the face.
So, if the surface of the skin on
backs exposed to dirt, oil glands in the skin can react against the bacteria causing the dung acne.
In addition, the appearance of acne on his back could be due

how do I prevent this?

1. avoid the use of clothing or a bra is too tight

2. if you often carry a backpack, try to wash it regularly, avoid leaning back on the dirty surface.

3. after each exercise, immediately dry the back of the sweat and wash clean

4. when the shower use a mild soap and has salicylic material
acid are also commonly found in soap acne prevention face!

how do I eliminate them?
Use a soap that contains sulfur or salicylic acid.
Lastly, do not forget to consult a doctor
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Guessing personality someone from lips :)

Do you know,, if you can guess someone from the lips form??

It's amazing
Let's read the following article

Full lips
> Characteristics : fairly thick and has a full size
> Personality : in general they a very full lips likes challenges, very courageous, independent, and most do not like regulated

Thin & thick lips
> Characteristics : thin and smile
tends to widen than others
> Personality: Girl with this characteristic, they tend to have
many friends and are popular among group. Very careful -
careful in doing all things,
but sometimes tend to be careless.
Models with this feature isn't dependent with others as you know :)

Small & thick lips
> Characteristics : its size is smaller, thick, and not too thin
> Personality: Has curiosity
very big! In ok physically, and could be the center attention :)
This model type is the rebel type! Be careful :)

Small & thin lips
> Characteristics : it's size have definitely small and thin
> Personality : Models with a lip
small & thin is very thorough
in doing anything :)
She very sensitive and show what existence.

Bow-shaped lips
> Characteristics : It is like a heart
and normal
> Personality: Very responsible
replied, not 'scared of anything,
and he would rather independent

Thick lips
> Characteristics : The shape proportional between the upper and lower
> Personality: Very mysterious and
difficult to guess! Wow definitely
curious :p
think something like what personality your girlfriend or friends around you?
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